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Ref. 0050694

Agent de Methode Textile

Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac +5
Année d'expérience totale : 5 à 10 ans

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Période / Ecole
Diplôme / Description
Ingénieur en Génie Industriel, Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique d’Antananarivo (ESPA)

Ingénieur Industriel

Option électrotechnique – Etude du comportement du moteur asynchrone-
Etude d'enseignement général secondaire

Baccalauréat série « C »

Training on work study & work measurment (Industrial Engineering)

Certificat d'aptitude

Formation pendant trois (03) mois à l’Ile Maurice pour le travail de l’Industrial Engineering
- Management (production, manpower, machines & attachment) – method study – time study – work measurement- environment factor
Industrial Engineering Rules and Responsibilities

Certificat d'aptitude

Atelier de formation en Textile Engineering organisé par TEXT’ILE MADA en
collaboration avec FUJI CORPORATION

Experiences professionnelles

Poste / Description
Depuis Fév 2016 -

Head IE in Aquarelle Tana (Textile Manufacturing)

-Ensure Pre-production are well planned
-Ensure demining are well done for all styles (highligth all high risk operations)
-Ensure a Preparatory plan for some specific styles
-Ensure Machines & attachments are ready and well adjust before bulk loading
-Review line plan, man power and efficiency on a daily basis to ensure efficiency is achieved
-Responsible for providing a proper training to a team member on Method, Time study and improve their competencies
-Review a daily Piece Rate Report
-Ensure on daily basis a line balancing
-Build up with team Individual Performance for each operator
-Build up & updated with team skill Matrix
-Ensure 5’s System is well maintained
-Works with technical team for developing folders/ profile to simplify operation
-Responsible for all Projects in fty
-Ensure line is well set up with production team (Layout, Style change are going smooth)
Nov 2012 - Fév 2016

Chef de chaine (Line Manager)

-Ensure the satisfaction of Customer
-Quality -Reject- Pre prod - Productivity & Output Management
-Human Ressources-Environment&compliance Management
- Overtime Management
Juin 2006 - Oct 2012

Junior - Senior Industrial Engineering in Aquarelle Tana

-Ensure all sections are manned properly to meet their respective targets.
-Ensure proper daily line balancing/rebalancing for all sections to meet the desired targets.
-Follow up on low performers and take necessary steps to increase their productivity.
-Achieve 90-100% operator potential and optimize utilization to drive performance.
-Maintain an updated polyvalence/skills matrix and train Junior I.E, Line Managers and Supervisors to use same for line balancing.
-Build up polyvency of operator to attend the bottleneck areas.
-Ensure overtime is well targeted and productive.
-Make effective use of visual boards and train I.E and production staff to use same to drive performance.
-Make effective use of guides, folders and attachments to deskill operations, increase productivity and bring consistency in quality.
-Anticipate best work method for new operations and propose same for standardization.
-Ensure proper understanding of Lean Principles and Tools and intelligently apply them.
-Ensure smooth and effective implementation of the 5S project and make it a way of life.
-Follow up on Factory Work In Progress (WIP) Reports to ensure smooth flow in the process with appropriate WIP levels.
-Ensure training and development for I.E. Team, Supervisors and Grass roots towards excellence.

-Ensure the factory overhead costs are within budget by proper follow up on targeted direct to indirect ratio.
-Ensure overtime and associated excess costs are optimized by achievement of pre-set targets.
-Ensure reduction of repairs and rejects and associated costs.

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Niveau :
  • Sans bac
  • Bac
  • Bac +2
  • Bac +3
  • Bac +4
  • Bac +5
Expériences :
  • 1 an
  • 2 ans
  • 3 ans
  • 4 ans
  • 5 ans
  • 5 à 10 ans
  • +de 10 ans

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