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DÉtail du profil

Ref. 0048598

Responsable RH

Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac +5
Année d'expérience totale : 3 ans


Période / Ecole
Diplôme / Description
BAC +5 en formation continue et developpement organisationelle

BAC + 5

Politique rémunérative
La Gestion du personnel
La Gestion adminstrative des RH
La Sélection et le recrutement du personnel
L'ingénierie de la formation - La rédaction de projets de formation
Les concepts de l'analyse du marché du travail
Les outils pour développer, évaluer et certifier des compétences
Les théories de l'apprentissage des adultes, les principales démarches et approches pédagogiques

Experiences professionnelles

Poste / Description
Depuis Avr 2017 -

HR Manager (Consultant)

• Performed internal audits of HR and implemented internal procedures about HR best practices

• Led a team up of 20 workers, boosting staff motivation and loyalty, diversifying daily operations and implemented a compensation and rewards system

• Carried out job analysis to design tailor – made CVs (MVOC Software rate 91 percent)

• Invigorated Client Visibility and Reputation by 100% by signing new agreement with main stakeholders (INSCAE, INSCAM …)

• Processed on monthly basis 8 companies’ payrolls (400 employees), troubleshooting payroll problems and interfacing with employees on payroll matters

• Improved organizational efficiency through designing and implementing organizational chart (functional departmentalization), KPIs, HR policy manual, regulations and procedures

• Organized and Carried out coaching and trainings for 30 employees

• Speed up the recruitment process by acquiring new data and maintain the internal data-base updated

• Resolved discrepancy and identified new opportunities by conducting observations and analysis about HR policies, programs and practices
Depuis Juin 2016 -

Technical Assistant (Volunteering)

External partner, technical Assistant in Training (RDC - Lubumbashi)

• Carried out a census in the 49,700,000 ha Katanga region in RDC, gathered local and raw data, carried out analyses and drawn conclusions about the target group (school-aged population)

• Co-designed and co-implemented 50 learning tools customized to the learners needs and profile

• Analyzed and defined up-to-date job profiles (education jobs)

• Strengthened trust and accountability towards stakeholders by applying clear communication practices (e.g., multi-day roundtables mediated by professional facilitators)

Rechercher un profil

Niveau :
  • Sans bac
  • Bac
  • Bac +2
  • Bac +3
  • Bac +4
  • Bac +5
Expériences :
  • 1 an
  • 2 ans
  • 3 ans
  • 4 ans
  • 5 ans
  • 5 à 10 ans
  • +de 10 ans

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Diffusion des offres d'emploi
Plateforme unique pour la gestion des candidatures
Consultation des profils des candidats


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Consultation parmi une large offre d'emploi
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