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Ref. 0175807

Material Engineer

Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac +5
Année d'expérience totale : 1 an


Période / Ecole
Diplôme / Description
English Language


At English Language Institute Antananarivo
Material Engineer

Master II

Formation in :
- Metallic Material
- Construction Material
- Composite Material
Good knowledge in geotechnical of road
Good knowledge in metallic material

Experiences professionnelles

Poste / Description

Trainee at Laboratoire Géotechnique Batiment et Travaux Public - LGBTP Alakamisy Ambohidratrimo

Master II final research
Road Geotechnical
Good skill in road geotechnical test in laboratory
Able to interpret the results of test

Inspector Trainee at Ambatovy Toamasina - QAQC - Asset Integrity Departement

Good skills in piping inspection
Pressure Vessel Inspection Skill
Flange management Skill
Health and Safety skills in big company as Ambatovy

Rechercher un profil

Niveau :
  • Sans bac
  • Bac
  • Bac +2
  • Bac +3
  • Bac +4
  • Bac +5
Expériences :
  • 1 an
  • 2 ans
  • 3 ans
  • 4 ans
  • 5 ans
  • 5 à 10 ans
  • +de 10 ans

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