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Ref. 0113119

Lawyer/Conseiller Juridique

Niveau d'étude actuel : Bac +4
Année d'expérience totale : +de 10 ans


Période / Ecole
Diplôme / Description
Master in Business law/ Maîtrise en droit des affaires.

Master in Business law/ Maîtrise en droit des affaires.

I graduated with a Master in Business Law from the Université d’ Antananarivo in 2007.
Master of Accounting/ Master en comptabilité

Master of Accounting/ Master en comptabilité

I graduated with a Master of Accounting from the Institut Universitaire de Madagascar in 2011.

Experiences professionnelles

Poste / Description
Depuis Avr 2008 -

Partner/ Associé

• Telecommunications
• Oil &Gas and mining
• Corporate and commercial law
• Corporate mergers and acquisitions

Relevant experience at John W Ffooks & Co

April 2008 – present- Partner at John W Ffooks & Co

John W Ffooks & Co is one of Francophone Africa's leading international law firm specializing in commercial and business law, including finance, project finance, intellectual property, minerals, mining and oil & gas, environmental law, privatization, telecommunications and banking law.

I advised:

- a market leading telecom tower company on its acquisition of interests and assets in Africa. This included reviewing the transaction documents, the corporate documents and licences as well as issuing a due diligence report on the target companies.
- a leading international bank on its financing of the acquisition by a Malagasy telecom company of assets in Africa. This included reviewing the finance documents, the borrower’s corporate documents and licences and issuing a due diligence report on the borrower and its assets.
- an African bank on its financing of the acquisition by a Malagasy telecom company of certain telecom assets. I drafted the security documents, reviewed the finance documents, the borrower’s corporate documents and licences. I also drafted and issued a due diligence report on the borrower and its assets as well as a capacity opinion on the latter’s authority to sign the finance documents.
- A Switzerland telecom company on its sale of certain telecom assets to a Malagasy telecom company. I assisted the client with the transaction structure, reviewed the asset purchase agreement, drafted the security documents and conducted a due diligence on the purchaser and the latter’s authority to enter into the transaction documents.
- an AIM listed company on its acquisition of a share in a Madagascar Production Sharing Contract. This included reviewing the PSC and opining on its legality and continuing validity, performing a thorough due diligence of the project structure.
- a multinational oil and gas exploration company on the legal management of its Production Sharing Contract in Madagascar.
- a major Thai group in its acquisition of the Madagascar assets of a Canadian listed company: this included reviewing all mining asset documentation, all corporate and commercial contracts and environmental reports.
- an international Non-Governmental Organisation on its financing of a Madagascar borrower in respect of the promotion and development of Madagascar bio-agricltural products. This included reviewing credit agreements, assisting with the execution of the agreements in Madagascar and the respective compulsory filings and registration before the competent authority.
- a multinational oil and gas company as joint Guinea and Madagascar counsel to the purchaser in relation to the acquisition of various downstream petroleum assets in both country.
- a multinational mining company on its on-going mining operations in Madagascar.

Over the past few years, my practice has been focused in Francophone Africa and in particular in Madagascar, Republic of Congo, Benin, Gabon, and Senegal.

Rechercher un profil

Niveau :
  • Sans bac
  • Bac
  • Bac +2
  • Bac +3
  • Bac +4
  • Bac +5
Expériences :
  • 1 an
  • 2 ans
  • 3 ans
  • 4 ans
  • 5 ans
  • 5 à 10 ans
  • +de 10 ans

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